Saturday, May 16, 2015

Another reason to admire Coca-Cola!

Honeslty, I am not a big fan of carbonated drinks, but sometimes even when you are not that interested on a certain product or brand, you still continue patronizing it because of their mission and ideals. For me, Coca-Cola is one of them.

My new reason? Coca-Cola's new campaign 5by20
with the slogan "Empowering women, improving lives..."
which addresses the most common barriers to success of women.
The Coca-Cola Company shall be giving women access to business skills training courses, financial services, and connections with peers or mentors to guide them along the way.
Their goal is the empowerment of 5 million women micro-entrepreneurs by the year 2020.

I have provided the link to this new Coca-Cola campaign through the word "5by20" above but in case you missed it, you might just want to click here to view the full details of Coca-Cola's new genuinely engaging initiative.
Who knows? You or someone you know might benefit through this...

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