Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Let Us Write Your Story

     Since we've been tired of being sell-outs and decided to delete most of our articles last September 2016, it's been quite hard to find inspiration to write again. Of course, writing for paying companies greatly made sense but with that, we lost our advocacy. Clever Brain Farts was made to feature news, events, and real people in our society and we wanted to able to do that again.

     We are now looking for real people, real businesses, real advocacies, real inspirations to feature in our upcoming articles. You don't need to pay us a single centavo on this. All you have to do is tell us things about yourself, your business, or your advocacy and we'll be more than happy to share it with our followers. Wouldn't it be nice to inspire others with your humble beginnings, to showcase your craft to the world, to market your products to vast markets, to share your upcoming events, really, the possibilities are endless, right?

     What do we get from this? Well, writing is a form of art and we are passionate about writing. Sharing your stories with us and being able to write something good out of it gives us satisfaction. There, that's what we get, the satisfaction of being able to write something that really makes sense. Writing articles for charities and campaigns gives us the bonus of having the feeling that somehow we have helped others. Another reason is that we want to have more articles that make sense on the internet. Nowadays, we see fake news all over social media, celebrity scandals, and even petty quarrels that end up getting the limelight. Having your stories published with us would mean another sensible story to circulate around the web, something that can inspire others, something people might get a lesson out of, something other people might want to try, and more.

     Mind you, this is not hypocrisy. You might want to check out our Getting What You Want article to understand why we're doing this free partnership thingy, why we want to write your story. If you want your voices to be heard, your stories to be shared, your business to be advertised, your charity campaigns to spread, your job offers to be posted, feel free to send us a message on our Facebook page or e-mail us at Go on, share us your story, let us write your story.

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